Call for Late-breaking Poster Presentations

Late-breaking Poster Presentations

Abstract Submission

Late-breaking poster presentation abstracts on all topics related to ITDRR are now being accepted for ITDRR 2023. If you would like to present a poster, please submit an abstract of 500 words or less using the form linked below:

The program committee will review the submitted abstract for fitness and appropriateness. Please note that the manuscripts of these presentations will not be included in the ITDRR 2023 Proceedings published by Springer. Only those who have paid the registration fee may present.

Important dates:

  • Submisssion deadline: Monday 6 November, 2023
  • Acceptance nortification: Friday 10 November, 2023

Presentation instructions

  • There are two poster sessions: 1) physical poster (off-line); 2) an ITDRR2023 session for short presentation to introduce a poster
    • The authors can give a short presentation online as well.
    • The online authors would submit 8-page slides in A4, and we shall print and put them on the physical poster boards. Instructions on how to submit slides will be provided later.


poster-itdrr2023 < at sign > 
